Monday, September 1, 2014

Hello! (Again)

Hello Everyone! I'm sorry that it has been so long!

Life has been busy in our home! We have been doing really good.  We have been living in South Carolina for a little over a year now and it has flown by! I remember when we were just unpacking and setting the house up and now we have already been here for a year. We have a "sort of" routine down (or as much of a routine that can be had with this schedule) and have gotten used to the heat that accompanies South Carolina.

Copper is now also a little over a year old!! She is so big, and has stopped growing as far as we know. She is still just as hyper and crazy as she was, but listens a little better. We did some water training with her and are looking forward to get some more training in with her!

And...we are getting married next month!!!!!!! Everything has come together so well for our wedding. At this point, we just need to get some final numbers down and get the week of schedule figured out and we will be done with the planning! I am so excited and ready for the day to come!!!

That's my little update for now, but I will have more to come in the future and a more regular posting schedule.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A very long to do list!

This weekend is all about the to do list!! I have so much to get caught up on!! 

I'm determined to make the rest of my wedding purchases by the end of May which is very quickly coming up. I am also determined to get caught up on school work (I'm doing independent studies) and on the cleaning as my mom is coming in next weekend to visit. 

I've got so much to do, I've got to get to work!! At least I have this sweet girl 
keeping me company today 

Until next time...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Today I Will Smile

Sometimes all you need is a smile! If you "fake" the happiness, you will actually start to feel happier. Mornings can be so hard, but no matter what is going on, put a smile on your face! It can make a world of difference! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I am Happy

This is a very important thought to have first thing in the morning. This is the whole positive thinking series really. If you start your morning with a smile on your face and the thought of "I am happy", your day will go so much better!

I know that it can be very hard to do this (especially if you are not a morning person!), but it can be accomplished!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I'm sorry!

Hey everyone! I'm sorry I've been absent this week, I got sick and really couldn't do much of anything. I couldn't focus very well at all. Good news is I'm back to feeling better and the positive thinking series will resume tomorrow!!

I don't really have too much more to say, I just wanted to give a little update as to what happened and why I stopped posting for a little bit!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I CAN do this

This is something I mentioned yesterday, but I feel like it needs its own day. Today's positive thought is:
I CAN do this.

This is a slightly different train of thought from yesterday. When you are struggling with a task throughout the day, or at really any moment in life (because everyone has to deal with struggles), just say "I CAN do this". You will be able to face the issue with a much different mindset and will be able to overcome whatever it is.

What do you think?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Today I will succeed.

Today's positive thought of the day is:
Today I will succeed.

No matter what you are trying to do it is important to go into it with an attitude of success. This is especially important for me to remind myself today. Remember: if you think you cant, you cant, but if you think you can, you can! What do you think? Have a great day!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

I am great just the way I am

Today's positive thought of the day is:
I am great the way I am.

I feel like this is something that is frequently forgotten. We get so wrapped up in all the beauty and "things" hype, that we forget how great we are. How great we are without all of the other "stuff".

So as you set about your day today start with thinking about how great you are just the way you are.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Today Will Be A Good Day

Today's positive thought of the day is:
Today will be a good day.
I firmly believe that each day is a new day and a fresh start.  I try to wake up every morning and say today will be a good day. This small thought can change your entire morning! It can make it easier to get up and get going. Instead of thinking "ugh another day" change it to today will be a good day!

What do you think?

Positive Thinking

Starting tomorrow I am going to be posting every morning. You may ask yourself, why? Outside of the fact that I love to blog, I am taking a new challenge. My challenge is to have one small positive thought every morning.
I would love for everyone to join me in this! What do you think? It only takes a small moment every morning and it can be a positive thought about anything! These will just be short posts every morning in the hopes of starting the day off well, they will not be my normal longer posts.
I will be continuing with planned posts as well, on beauty, fashion, fitness, and books, but I wanted to add this into the mix. I think it can be so amazing to do! So, what do you think?

Oh the Books!

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the weekend! I thought that I would share two book series that I am currently reading through and loving!! But first off…I love love love books! I love to read and love to get lost in a book. It’s one of those things that never gets old and books never get old to me either. My favorite types of books to read are series. I don’t know what draws me to series, I like being able to continue reading about the characters and have them develop and the story just continue on. My favorite series (and favorite books of all time) has to be…drumroll please…
Harry Potter
I own all the books for Harry Potter, as well as the movies, and the Hogwarts Library collection. These books were a large part of my childhood and growing up into adulthood and I have yet to find another series that I love nearly as much. I am a Harry Potter nerd. I cherish these books.
I also like the Hunger Games series which is a lot newer and will also be owning all the movies when they are done. I love those books as well. I also love the Divergent series. That series is so well written! It captivated me right from the beginning. A couple other series that I really enjoyed are: Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Mortal Instruments, and Beautiful Creatures.
I am currently working my way through two series that I am really enjoying that I thought I would share with ya’ll and highly recommend:
Sookie Stackhouse
Sookie Stackhouse
I am loving the Sookie Stackhouse books! These are not in the correct order at all, but they are such great, quick reads! I am still working my way through them and have not been able to stop reading them (except maybe to get a picture of them and type this blog up!).
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones
I am loving Game of Thrones. I saw them in the bookstore, didn’t get them and boy did I regret it! I have been watching the tv show and been loving that and so I did go buy the books in an effort to try and read them before the next season of Game of Thrones came out. I am currently on the second book (I gotta read a little faster!) and I am loving them too! I am finding that I am liking or hating different characters. It’s funny because there are characters that I didn’t mind, that now that I’ve been reading the books I am just not liking them.
So those are the two series that I am currently reading, loving, and highly recommending to everyone!!!!
Until Next Time…

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wow, It's a New Year ( I know, I know, it's already 15 days into the new year)

Well, it's been a hot minute! I am so sorry that it's been so long! Between the holidays, family, and now our vacation, things got a little overwhelming! (This seems to be a running theme, but I's really not).

Alright to start off...a couple of updates!

Our big girl is 6 months! She is learning so many things right now, being able to just run for a long while in the forest. She has also been able to have encounters with wildlife, which has been interesting for her! She is such a happy and energetic puppy!

Our wedding is almost all the way done! The remaining things that need to be done are things that have to be done closer to the wedding date. The last major thing to do is send out invitations! Everything else has been booked and ideas have been generated for everything else. I also did say yes to the dress!!! I bought my dress very recently and it was such a memorable experience :). I am very excited to finalize and make our decorations, gifts, and other items!

Posts are going to start being more regular...I know I've said this before but it is really going to happen, so stay tuned! I am starting with a beauty post that will be up for viewing on Friday!!

Today's post is going to focus a little on New Years Resolutions. Do you make them? Have you ever broken one? Why are they so hard to keep?

I have definitely broken them more times than I have kept them. I feel like a lot of times we set a resolution that we think we can achieve, but is actually to large or very out of our reach. For example, I love weight loss goals! I think they can be such great motivators and getting healthy is great to do, however sometimes we set that goal just a little to far. The resolution needs to be something that we can reasonably achieve, otherwise we are just setting ourselves up for failure. DO NOT set yourself up for failure!

Now, what is reasonable for one person, may be out of reach for another. Only YOU can know your limits and what will work for you. Maybe what is better to say as a resolution is that you will stop drinking that soda at dinner, or stop having dessert every night. That may not work for someone else. Someone else may need to put a number to there goal, such as losing 15lbs. It all depends on what YOU as a person needs. Don't worry about what someone else's goal is or that you should be doing a goal just like that person, it may not work for you.

My resolution this year is broad and may seem "out of reach" , but it's more changing a frame of thought. I want to see the good in everything given/handed to me. Every situation has it's ups and downs and I am going to try and choose to look at the positive of each situation. A lot of times we get wrapped up in negatives and how horrible something is. I want to change that thought for myself. What is your new Years Resolution?

Until Next Time...