Thursday, February 20, 2014
Today I Will Smile
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
I am Happy
This is a very important thought to have first thing in the morning. This is the whole positive thinking series really. If you start your morning with a smile on your face and the thought of "I am happy", your day will go so much better!
I know that it can be very hard to do this (especially if you are not a morning person!), but it can be accomplished!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
I'm sorry!
I don't really have too much more to say, I just wanted to give a little update as to what happened and why I stopped posting for a little bit!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
I CAN do this
This is something I mentioned yesterday, but I feel like it needs its own day. Today's positive thought is:
I CAN do this.
This is a slightly different train of thought from yesterday. When you are struggling with a task throughout the day, or at really any moment in life (because everyone has to deal with struggles), just say "I CAN do this". You will be able to face the issue with a much different mindset and will be able to overcome whatever it is.
What do you think?
Monday, February 3, 2014
Today I will succeed.
Today's positive thought of the day is:
Today I will succeed.
No matter what you are trying to do it is important to go into it with an attitude of success. This is especially important for me to remind myself today. Remember: if you think you cant, you cant, but if you think you can, you can! What do you think? Have a great day!!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
I am great just the way I am
Today's positive thought of the day is:
I am great the way I am.
I feel like this is something that is frequently forgotten. We get so wrapped up in all the beauty and "things" hype, that we forget how great we are. How great we are without all of the other "stuff".
So as you set about your day today start with thinking about how great you are just the way you are.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Today Will Be A Good Day
What do you think?
Positive Thinking
I would love for everyone to join me in this! What do you think? It only takes a small moment every morning and it can be a positive thought about anything! These will just be short posts every morning in the hopes of starting the day off well, they will not be my normal longer posts.
I will be continuing with planned posts as well, on beauty, fashion, fitness, and books, but I wanted to add this into the mix. I think it can be so amazing to do! So, what do you think?
Oh the Books!
I own all the books for Harry Potter, as well as the movies, and the Hogwarts Library collection. These books were a large part of my childhood and growing up into adulthood and I have yet to find another series that I love nearly as much. I am a Harry Potter nerd. I cherish these books.
I also like the Hunger Games series which is a lot newer and will also be owning all the movies when they are done. I love those books as well. I also love the Divergent series. That series is so well written! It captivated me right from the beginning. A couple other series that I really enjoyed are: Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Mortal Instruments, and Beautiful Creatures.
I am currently working my way through two series that I am really enjoying that I thought I would share with ya’ll and highly recommend:
I am loving the Sookie Stackhouse books! These are not in the correct order at all, but they are such great, quick reads! I am still working my way through them and have not been able to stop reading them (except maybe to get a picture of them and type this blog up!).
So those are the two series that I am currently reading, loving, and highly recommending to everyone!!!!