A lot of times people are worried about getting rid of something on the off chance that they may, at some point, in the future need the object. Yes, there may come a time that you'll need that object or paper, but more likely you will not.
I always tell people I am not here to make you toss everything that you have or buy all new things. I am here to help you sift through everything to determine what really needs to be kept and what can be let go of. Sometimes this is a good amount of things and sometimes it isn't.
If you are still worried about getting rid of something (after asking yourself the three questions I wrote about earlier), determine what the item is and why you really need or want to keep it. Is it something that has sentimental value? Is it paperwork? Determine what it is and place it in the to be decided pile during your purging. Once done with that session, you will come back to that pile and be able to make a better decision.
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